CAPSTONE 5 EXTENDED: Bible Interpretation (Apr-Jul 2024) - for those who have completed FND01
Begins 11 April 2024
Everyone God calls into the ministry must discipline themselves to master its content, submit to its injunctions, and teach its truths. We must strive to handle the Word of Truth accurately. 12 weekly sessions over 13 weeks + final exam; schedule will be arranged with students before course begins.
Time & Location
Begins 11 April 2024
About The Event
According to the clear testimony of the Scriptures themselves, God equips his representatives through the Spirit-breathed Word of God, the Scriptures. Everyone God calls into the ministry must determine to discipline themselves so as to master its contents, submit to its injunctions, and teach its truths. Like a workman they must strive to handle the Word of truth accurately, and so be approved of the Lord in their study (2 Tim. 2.15). In this course we outline the need for Biblical interpretation, and what is required to carry out this great task. We will explore both the divine and human dimensions of the Bible, and introduce an effective method of Biblical interpretation designed to help you approach your study of Scripture so as to bridge the gap between our ancient and contemporary worlds. In addition, we highlight the importance of literary types in Biblical interpretation and explore the numerous kinds of solid scholarly reference tools available to us as we attempt to understand the meaning of a Biblical text.